Principal's Message

Principal's Message

At Junior and Degree College you don't need learning. For, it is at this stage of life, our boys and girls find their passion, sharpen their goal, and make a move towards it. The dependence learning of school gets replaced here with the interdependence learning with fellow students, and faculty members. It is here one chooses the direction of life in terms of relationship and work.

What is needed for our boys and girls is accompaniment!

We, at Infant Jesus Junior and Degree College, Shamshabad, accompany our boys and girls, by creating an atmosphere for excellent education to enlighten the minds of the young and to empower them for sustainable livelihood.

Excellence in output, service to students and parents, teamwork with the faculty and the supportive staff, diversity and inclusion among students, and dignity of individuals are the values with which we walk.

At Infant Jesus Junior and Degree College, skills blend with knowledge, values blend with learning, and attitudes blend with activities.

Direct our boys and girls here. We direct them to their life and career.

God bless us.

Your companion on the journey,

Rev. Dr. Thumma Fathimareddy