Rules and Regulations
1. The daily working hours of the College are from 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
2. Strict regularity, obedience, courtesy in speech and conduct, respect for elders, cleanliness in dress and person are expected of every student. Irregular attendance, unsatisfactory application to studies, disobedience and objectionable conduct in and out of the College will justify dismissal from the College.
3. Absence without leave is liable to be punished. If the absence is prolonged for more than ten days, the name of the student will be struck off the rolls and re-admission will be considered only after a valid explanation from the parents and on payment of a re-admission fee of Rs. 500/-
Students who have been absent from the College or come late will not be admitted to the classes, without the Principal’s permission.
Those who absent themselves without leave for more than six consecutive working days at the commencement of the academic year will be deemed to have left the College. Late running of the buses will not be excuse for late attendance or absence.
No student will be permitted to leave the College during the working hours without the permission of the Principal and a gate-pass to be shown to the watchman at the gate. Such permission and pass will be given only for very serious reasons endorsed by the Class Teacher.
No student who fails to put in a minimum of 75% attendance by the close of the second term will be permitted to sit for the Public Examination at the end of the academic year.
4. Students are not expected to take part in any political activities.
5. Every student should look after his / her belongings. The College cannot take responsibility for articles that are lost. Any damage to the College property will have to be made good.
6. Students are strictly forbidden to scribble on the desks and benches, on the walls etc.
7. Uniform Students are expected to come to the college in prescribed college uniform daily. (Design and material as prescribed). Dress code is to be adhered to strictly. Students will not be allowed on the campus without proper uniform.
Girl’s Dress Code: Salwar Kameez to be worn with dupatta. Loose hair, Jewellery and make up are not allowed. Girls must plait the hair, Plaits should be kept back. Flat Black Shoes should be worn.
Boys’ Dress Code: Black formal shoes and socks permitted. Only simple hair style permitted.
8. I-Pods, Cell phones and self driven vehicles are strictly prohibited.
9. The Principal’s sanction is required:
- (i) To make a collection for any purpose whatsoever.
- ((ii) To arrange for a meeting, party, picnic etc.
- ((iii) To arrange for private tuition by the Lecturers of the College.
- ((iv) For any student to join a sports meet or play in a tournament outside the College.
- (a) The College expects daily attendance and punctuality of every student. The minimum attendance requirement is 90%. Students who do not put in more than 75% attendance will not be permitted to appear for the final Board Examination. The late running of buses will not be an excuse for late attendance or absence. All documents required must be submitted at the earliest.
- (b) Students are expected to take care of the College property and help in keeping the premises clean and tidy.
- (c ) The College expects students to put in serious and sustained work and to make maximum use of the facilities offered for their all round development. It is compulsory to take all tests – Class, Unit, and Term.
- (d) Students are expected to come to college dressed neatly and decently following the dress code of the College by 9:30 am. College gates will be closed at 9:30 am and late comers will not be allowed.
- (e) Chewing gum and Gutka is not allowed.
- (f) Canteen food must be consumed there itself – not brought into the college building.
- (g) All Doctor’s / Dentist’s appointments to be taken in the evening hours only.
- (h) Students are not expected to discuss any individual or institution on Social media.
One month’s notice is required before a student can be withdrawn from the college. If a student leaves during the course of the year the admission fees and the other annual fees paid at the beginning of the year will not be refunded.
In order to inculcate the habit of regular study in the students and to assess their progress, the College conducts regular weekly tests in addition to the terminal examinations.
- 1. The Principal can be contacted in person on working days or by prior appointment.
- 2. There is a Parent Teacher Meeting after the given set of tests. Parents are advised to attend these meetings personally.
- 3. They must provide Res & mobile phone numbers for regular communication – notifying immediately if there is any change in the phone / mobile numbers.
- 4. Parents are requested to do their part in enforcing regularity and discipline. Students who put in less than 75% if attendance by the end of the II term will not be sent up for the Public Examination.
- 5. Parents are requested to go through the evaluation reports carefully and take remedial measures, if needed. The evaluation reports are issued at the end of each series of weekly tests and the terminal examinations. Parents must collect these reports personally and meet the teachers.
- 6. The staff and students are strictly forbidden to receive visitors during class hours.
- 7. Parents, guardians and others may not meet the students or interview the staff in the College premises without the permission of the Principal.
- 8. Parents are requested to ensure that the College fees are paid at the beginning of each year without fail (June).
- 9. As parental co-operation is indispensable for the proper education of children, parents are requested to keep in touch with the College authorities about the progress and conduct of their children.